Sailor Moon Comeback in DE!

      Ich hab die neuen Mangas auch gekauft, obwohl ich die alten habe, werde wohl auch beide behalten, Sammler halt ;-D

      Aber mal zu der TV-Serie, weiß einer inzwischen mehr darüber?
      Was mich ja mal interessieren würde ist, ob zum Beispiel die Folgen die im deutschen nicht ausgestrahlt wurden, auch erscheinen.
      Oder was ist mit der 6. Staffel (Sailor Moon, Silver Millenium, Folge 201-133), die hier auch nicht herauskam? Wird die neu Vertont und kommt auch raus?

      Nanjoukun schrieb:

      Oder was ist mit der 6. Staffel (Sailor Moon, Silver Millenium, Folge 201-133), die hier auch nicht herauskam? Wird die neu Vertont und kommt auch raus?

      Es gibt eine 6. Staffel von Sailor Moon?! *schock*
      Ich hab jetzt auf die schnelle mal gegoogelt, aber finde nur diverse Fanprojekte dazu. Hast du einen offiziellen Link? Das wäre ja der Hammer, wenn es wirklich eine 6. Staffel geben würde! O__O
      Wie jetzt die Rechte sind wieder frei? *feuchte Augen krieg* Ach das ist doch doof....
      Wenn M4E jetzt die Lizenzrechte für die Serie nicht mehr hat, habe die wahrscheinlich auch die Rechte am Merchandise nicht mehr, oder? *gnarf*
      Würde mich ja freuen wenn KSM die Rechte für die DVDs erwirbt, aber fürs Merchandise Comeback seh ich dann schwarz. +snueff+
      Muss ich also doch zusehen, dass ich im Urlaub in Italien alles kaufe, was mir in die Finger kommt. *Mondzepter jagen geht* ;)
      Spoiler anzeigen

      There is a new 6th season ( a movie and manga of 6) of Sailor Moon with a NEW Sailor Senshi: Pour Eternitè Eternal- Pour Perisablitè Perisablè Sailor Universi!!
      The Story (direct from the webpage) speaks for itself and makes fun of itself too: After the disaster of Galaxia a stranger very aristocratic, beautiful, very intelligent (more than Ami Mizuno), sociable but very misterious, too comes to live in Tokyo. Her name is Wrennou Cler, frequents Mugen Gakuen h. and she is in the same class of Michiru and Haruka who, as all else sailors, are very sock by her very potent halo of energy, believe that she is a new and terriblr foe because of coming of daemons rapresented of the cosmic Evil. Their mission is to eliminate that who would have salvaged the world and her mother Usagi-Serenity Infact Cler, whose real name is neo princess Selene-Claire and she is neo queen Serenity first daughter. And she is-will be Chibichibi mother, too!! Real name of Chibichibi is ChibiCler whose dad is an earl-prince in the Earth, but his real identity is Alexandros, Sirius's prince. He transform themselves in Prince and he is alike to Milord but he is very more potent. ChibiCler hence wasn't Galaxia's star seed, but was a cover for doesn't do themselves recognize and she came for aid Usagi. Cler had left Cristal Tokyo because so had been arranged by Aleph, the paramount entity and because she wanted use better her power for bear the peace to other universes as Sailor Moon- neo queen Serenity had done to Tokyo. In a first time Cler was decided to not reveal her identity to Usagi for don't suffer her doing know that in future a her daughter would have let her at the abrupt without explanations (if you remember, Setsuna, in the anime Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon Stars, said that ChibiUsa was daughter sole of Neo Queen because Selene-Claire had already left Cristal Tokyo and for a her spell everything, excluded outer senshi, had forgotten her) but Usagi then has sensed the truth with the aid of Mamoru and her friends. Before of which Selene-Cler fought solitary and she many times has saved the life of the sailors and the outer senshi has finally found in her their leader namely Pour Eternitè Eternal-Pour Perisablitè Perisablè Sailor Universi. With latter is the definitive parting amid the Inner commanded by Eternal Sailor Moon and the Outer commanded by P.E.E.-P.P.P. Sailor Universi. At the end the sailors succeed to bear the peace to universes and Cler has decided to life for a bit of time in Tokyo of the past ALThough the lond affection which bequeaths her to her family of Cristal T.. But there are many misteries.....some of which will be reveal in 7' season in course in the special manga. Who is the misterious Sailor that helped Eternal S. Moon at the end of 5' season? She is P.E.E.-P.P.P. S. Universi or S. ChibiCler-Chibichibi? Anybody say that ChibiCler in future will be S. Cosmos, not Usagi because after Eternal S. Moon she'll be Neo Queen Serenity.