
      ^ja, sicher. Aber ich finde es ein wenig schade, dass das H!P nicht mehr aus dem Potenzial macht. Ich habe seit über einem Jahr, vielleicht sogar 2 das Gefühl, dass irgendwie das ewig gleiche Programm abgespult wird, ohne irgendwelche Kreativität. Ab und zu ändert sich mal ein Stil. Der wird dann ausgetreten, bis ihn niemand mehr hören kann. Irgendwie fehlt ein wenig der Funke, finde ich. Es wird zwar alles immer professioneller, aber irgendetwas fehlt (mir).
      Ich glaube, man konnte recht gut merken, was ich meine, bei dieser einen Sendug, in der Tsunku zusammen mit Hyadain war; und beide haben mit einer Moderatorin einen alten H!P Song "produziert", jeder auf seine Art. Tsunku war wie immer sehr darafu bedacht, dass jede Silbe einzeln betont wird und im richtigen Rhythmus ist, was dann auch sehr professionell klang (allerdings auch so, als hätte die Dame einen Kekskrümel im Hals gehabt), war alles okay. Bei Hyadain hinwegen haben sich alle (die singende Moderatorin, die anderen Moderatoren, die Zuschauer und er selber) extrem amüsiert, hatten Spaß bei der Sache und es wirkte alles lebendig, nicht ganz perfekt, aber es hatte eben diesen Funken des Kreativen und Lebendigen.
      Tsunku scheint ein wenig in den (größtenteils von ihm erfundenen!) Mustern gefangen - er scheint sich nicht wirklich weiter zu entwickeln. Das finde ich sehr schade.

      sky_fish schrieb:

      Macht ja nix =) Hast du jetz eigentlich das Konzi geguckt, Hitsu? ^^

      Ja, das Konzert hatte ich mir diesmal angeguckt, weeeeiiii |DDD Ich fand es super.

      知り合いじゃなくて 友達じゃなくて オレたちはFamily!親戚じゃなくて 兄弟じゃない オレたちはFamily!♪♫
      Hitsu is supporting Yusa Kouji, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, OLDCODEX, Terashima Takuma and G.Addict :3
      Vielleicht hole ich mir das MAgazin! :3 Weil da ja auch zwei A2 Poster von C-ute mit dabei sind.

      知り合いじゃなくて 友達じゃなくて オレたちはFamily!親戚じゃなくて 兄弟じゃない オレたちはFamily!♪♫
      Hitsu is supporting Yusa Kouji, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, OLDCODEX, Terashima Takuma and G.Addict :3
      Finde ich auch xD Das wird dann, wenn es so weit ist, eingerahmt an die Wand kommen! *^*

      知り合いじゃなくて 友達じゃなくて オレたちはFamily!親戚じゃなくて 兄弟じゃない オレたちはFamily!♪♫
      Hitsu is supporting Yusa Kouji, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, OLDCODEX, Terashima Takuma and G.Addict :3
      Weiß ich nicht~ Müsste ich mich mal umgucken, aber ich hätte das Magazin schon gerne ;w;

      知り合いじゃなくて 友達じゃなくて オレたちはFamily!親戚じゃなくて 兄弟じゃない オレたちはFamily!♪♫
      Hitsu is supporting Yusa Kouji, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, OLDCODEX, Terashima Takuma and G.Addict :3
      Wenn das CDJapan kriegt, dann werde ich das bei meiner nächsten Buchbestellung mit hinzufügen! :D

      知り合いじゃなくて 友達じゃなくて オレたちはFamily!親戚じゃなくて 兄弟じゃない オレたちはFamily!♪♫
      Hitsu is supporting Yusa Kouji, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, OLDCODEX, Terashima Takuma and G.Addict :3
      danke 910 Percent!!!!!
      sie übersetzt das C-ute Interview vom LE B Album!!!! YEAH!!! :)

      lest es unbedingt und lasst uns drüber reden :)
      ich find es sehr interessant :)

      hier ist Part 1 ^^ (von 7...mehr gibts noch net)
      ich dachte wir reden immer über einen Teil, dann poste ich den nächsten und so :)

      Part-1: Murkami Ai's graduation (14min14sec -19min 44sec )

      Maimi: Probably, She said "I'll Leave from C-ute".
      I was shocked by the fact.
      Megu was a core of C-ute.

      Chisato: I didn't guess it. at the same time, I can understand her answer too. Because she had a strong sense of responsibility.

      Negu had Controlled C-ute.
      She could dance well, sang main parts.
      She always looked for higher level performance than we expected.
      She already practiced and studied facial expressions and how to grub a microphone.

      Such a girl will leave for C-ute.
      Can C-ute can continue our activities?
      Who will do something instead of her?

      Airi: When I heard her graduation, I was worried than What can C-ute do without her.
      She could dance and sing well.
      She has shined!
      Who can do her role instead of Megu?
      I think everybody thought so.
      Actually I was sad her graduation
      However, my worries that who C-ute would do was bigger than the sadness of it . (16:20)

      Mai:In the C-ute, Megu was most glad our debut.
      She said "I'll work hard!".
      So I often think what C-ute would be if she were still in our group.

      Chisato: Megu was a major presence for me.
      however, I was too young. I expected elder member will manage to do instead of her.
      And I was glad that Nobody would not angry with me!
      Maimi-chan Erika-chan not get angry with me.
      Megu only scold me "Be quiet!" or "Chisato, Why haven't you studied the dance?"
      So I was glad a little at the time of hearing it.
      But gradually, I noticed I lost the person who praised me.

      Maimi: She was really dependable person. she was one year younger than me but she had matured thinking.
      And I often hanged out with her in our private time too.
      I was really shocked.

      Airi: Megu had really strong heart. She could dance and sing very well.
      I was always stimulated from her.
      Looking her dance, I mimicked her dance some times.
      I often consult with her.
      For me she was great girl. She was completely different from me.
      So I was worried I would not cover anything her role.

      Maimi: Finally, I thought All of us worked hard instead of Megu and overcame the trouble
      After that, we all changed a little.

      Mai: Actually, we couldn't overcame it. we realized Megu's a major presence again..
      She was anchor of us. so I felt as if we weren't a team.
      At the time, Nacky did..

      Airi: I still remember it clearly that Nacky changed at the time.
      Next: The Change of Nacky.
      source: facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=57…49.253277044686679&type=1
      910 percent :)
      thank you very much *applaus*
      credits @ sky
      Ah ok =D Find ich ja cool. Ist auch ne gute Idee, die Teile einzeln zu posten, muss man nicht über alles auf einmal reden.

      Also dass Megu sehr präsent in C-ute war, ist ja kein Geheimnis. Sie ist Anfangs schon sehr aufgefallen. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass es nicht einfach für die anderen Member war, dass Megu gegangen ist... hört man ja auch raus. Aber mittlerweile sehen sie das ja anders, nicht? =) C-ute zu 5. sind einfach perfekt ^^

      Ich frag mich grad, was mit Nackys Veränderung gemeint ist o.o Ich glaub, darüber weiß ich gar nix.
      Ach ja megu. Manchmal vermiss ich sie und ich frage mich auch wie es mit ihr wäre. Wenn sie auch so präsent war wieso ist sie über haupt gegangen. Ich verstehe es einfach nicht :(

      Und das mit nakky versteht ich gar net. O.o Bin gespannt was da im 2. Teil wohl ans Licht kommt.

      Ich find es schön das man soviel "privates" von den Mädels erfährt :)
      credits @ sky
      Kennt ihr das Interview schon?
      Es hat zwar einige Sachen drin, die wiederholt werden und die man schon kennt...
      aber ich wußte z.B. noch nicht, warum die 5 zur Audition gegangen sind...


      #1 The Birth of Hello Project Kids (Why did you take the audition?)

      Mai:I just want to meet Morning Musume.

      Saki: Because my sister, cousins took the audition.

      Chisato: a friend of Mama was a fan of Matsuura Aya. She made me taken the audition.

      Maimi: When I saw a TV show, it recruited new members. so I asked my parents to apply to the show.

      But they forgot it. then I applied the Kids audition instead of it. (**Tensai Televi-Kun)

      Airi: I want to be a singer. I asked it to my parents by my intention. they asked me if I continued the voice lesson or take a entrance exam of school.

      #2 Girls who couldn't be Berryz.

      Airi: A MC called us "leftovers" in a TV show.

      "What are the leftovers doing now? They are getting desperate? XD "


      We know it's joke but no matter how we were children, we could understand the meaning.

      Chisato: Then we noticed We are leftovers. we had just known leavings.

      At the time of being formed Berryz, Fifteen girsl gathered the place and Only eight girls was called to another room.

      Mai: It's was truly realistic place. We've heard their shout "I got it!!!"

      We were at a loss for a while.

      Airi: All TV staff-sans went to another room. one manager-san was left alone.

      Chisato: The manager said to us. "You weren't selected the new group".

      Interviewer: First, They said Berryz member would change in some occasions.

      Airi: I didn't want to be the member belatedly from the bottom of my heart.

      Chisato: I hoped I would be Berryz someday.

      Maimi: we didn't hate Berryz. we just feel angry and frustrated with some feeling of defeat.

      We understand we had not something but could not understand what is that.

      So we had repeated the practice seriously.

      Interviewer: That's why your performance is wonderful!

      Mai: What we could do at the time was just to practice the dance and to play futsal.

      Mama worried about my future.

      Maimi; Before that, we didn't play futsal too. We didn't have jobs at all.

      Even Dance lesson, we asked it and managed to take the lessons.

      I was worried my future so much at the time.

      #3 Graduation and leaving from C-ute

      Airi: for us, it was a most shocking event that Kanna joined into our group.

      Saki:We were sad. We seven always did our best in the bitter period. but why?


      We were disappointed and cried many times "We were not enough".

      Chisato: An end of year, we heard it. Kanna came from H!P EGG.

      EGG has a good environment in the days. we were jealous of EGG.

      Maimi: Since I was the leader, I seriously took care to welcome Kanna.

      Interviewer: I think your relationship get stronger after each member's leaving from C-ute,

      Saki: In the case of Megu, I could think nothing. One day, I went to the lesson. She absented.

      I was upset and sent e-mail but we couldn't do anything.

      Chisato: after each graduation, Nacky changed her character every time.

      After Megu's leaving, she became a dependable person.

      After Kanna and Erika-chan, She make effort to unit us.

      Maimi: She felt a sense of responsibility to be substituting of them.

      Chisato: She came to take the dance lesson seriously and get soft body.

      Interviewer: If one girl will graduate from C-ute, will you continue C-ute?

      C-ute: No way! we will not be able to do it.

      Airi: The number of five is wonderful balance. Kara, Arashi is also five members.

      First I thought it's too few. but The number can unit tight!

      Maiymi: Even if only one member will leave from C-ute, we will not continue C-ute.

      Saki: We will decide same answer in the case of joining a new member.

      Airi: If we must welcome to new member. we will finish the activity of C-ute!

      Mai: the bonds is made by our 10years. It's not concern with performance

      source: facebook.com/notes/910-percent…me-part-1/469184026429312
      thanks @ 910 percent

      und der 2. Part:

      #4 Debut.

      After forming C-ute, you couldn't major debut soon.

      Mai: What I remember clearly in the days is a event of Kanagawa pref.

      We held the event without announcement before. Then, audiences were only two persons.


      : A mother and child feel sorry for us and watched us. XD


      It was rainy day and the stage was the house top.

      When we tumbled down, There were no persons even who laughed us.

      We were strange group which was just upset and repeated tumbling down on the stage.

      Saki: But it was actual. If we challenge it again, I wonder same result will wait for us.


      We make desperate efforts to let as many people as possible known our name in our indies days.

      We write our name and drew some illustrations on the drawing papers.

      Once we have debuted, Staff-san prepare for a lot.

      We wanna cherishes the precious efforts in the days.

      That's why we like shopping mall events.

      #5 Queen of "Odotte Mita" (The influence of Chisato's dancing on Youtube)

      Interviewer: Okai-san's Video was recorded 1600,000 viewers. Tell me the circumstances.

      Chisato: I was not good at dancing. When I heard the plan, I wanted to come to like dancing through the project.

      So I tried it. I haven't guessed the reactions in the days.

      Interviewer: How did others four feel the success?

      Mai: When I saw Chisato on the top page of Yahoo!, I was surprised. A lot of comments were written from around the world. "Okai-san has been a world star?"

      Saki: Indeed, She appeared on school books with many great men too.

      Students are looking for Okai-san as other legends XD

      Chisato: First, I've thought only fan of us saw it. but Staff-san told me in the night of updating day.

      "It's a incredible number of views". I was surprised it so much and I hoped many people will know C-ute through the video.

      #6 Meeting of C-ute with tears.

      Interviewer: We knew you five held meeting with crying in the collaboration concert tour with Smileage in 2011.

      Chisato: "You are all jacked up!" Suddenly, Staff-san got angry with us.

      Since we have lived in showbiz for nine years, it came to be rare to flared up at us. So we were surprised so much.

      Mai: We thought we always did our best in the stage. We thought "We did it today too!".

      Interviewer: In spite of your feelings, he got angry with you. How did you understand the indication.

      Saki: We changed our thinking clearly. Example for: Speaking of shouting "Come on!", "Sing with us". MC teacher taught us the timing. you should say the word at the top of the eight measure or etc...

      After the meeting, we said it by our feelings.

      Chisato: When we consider the days again, we can realize that we just did what we're supposed.

      Maimi: I think the staff-san who got angry with us knew everything. Indeed we was going to lose a feeling of tension.

      We forgot to consider everything by ourselves in the days. So the meeting was important turning point for C-ute.

      #7 Active diplomacy (Battle of other groups.)

      Interviewer: C-ute seemed to gain the force from this year. You look busy!

      Chisato: We had many collaborations and individual activities last year. so we couldn't do C-ute solo activities many times. We were impatient about it. "Anyhow we wanna play some activity as C-ute!" We came to desire it intensely. That's why we are glad we five can do many things this year.

      Even if there's no time to sleep, I want to work hard!

      Mai: "we have to go to next job by 10 minutes later", "Please eat in the travel time!" When I heard the words, we thought "As if we become a popular group!" and were excited in spite of ourselves.

      Interviewer: You attended some events except for Hello! Project. example for:"Idol Yokochou", "Nico Nico Chou Kaigi"

      Maimi: When we saw the other groups in the events, since We are in the 10th year since we passed the audition, we don't have freshness. So we were worried about it.

      Airi: For some reasons, we look calmly. we look like dependable group.


      : But When we appeared on the events, we realized again.

      Just fight with everything we have learned for this 10years!

      This is the way C-ute is.

      We will do our best without being worried about unnecessary things.

      source: facebook.com/notes/910-percent…me-part-2/469203039760744
      thanks @ 910 percent :)
      credits @ sky