Welcher Sci-Fi Typ seid ihr?

      Oh mein Gott ^^ wie geil!

      Ich bin: James T. Kirk

      An impassioned commander with more respect for individuals than for authority, you have a no-holds-barred approach to life and its obstacles.

      Ein leidenschaftlicher Kommandant mit mehr Respekt für Einzelpersonen als fürs Ansehen, Sie haben eine Kopf-durch-die-Wand Einstellung zum Leben und zu seinen Hindernissen.

      I don't believe in the no-win scenario.

      James is a character in the Star Trek universe. STARTREK.COM has his Starfleet record.

      Hehe... erstmal Babelfish Translation Box rauskramen XD

      Hmm.. so.
      Hab zwar keine Ahnung wer das ist, aber bei mir kam das raus:


      A somber tactician who keeps emotional flares in check, you bravely refuse to back down when fighting for matters of honor.

      Perhaps today is a good day to die!

      Worf is a character in the Star Trek universe. His biography is available at STARTREK.COM.

      Misa: "Ich hoffe, ich mache nicht noch mal Dreck, jetzt wo ich den Staubsauger weggesaugt habe."

      "Misa" schrieb:

      Hab zwar keine Ahnung wer das ist, aber bei mir kam das raus:


      Das ist der Klingone bei Startrek!!!! Waaaah!! Wie kann man den bloß nicht kennen!!!??? +blobschock+

      Was ja auch geil ist, ist die Statistik: ->STATISTIK

      1. Galadriel (Herr der Ringe)
      2. Aragorn (Herr der Ringe)
      3. Yoda (Star Wars)
      4. Prinzessin Leia (Star Wars)
      5. James T. Kirk (Star Trek)

      und Data, Agent Smith, Spock, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, Magneto oder John Sheridan uvm. kann man auch sein ^^


      A reclusive seer shrouded in riddles, you reveal very little and only what is deemed congruent with your plans.

      Understanding is a three edged sword. Your side, their side, and the truth.

      Kosh is a character in the Babylon 5 universe. You can read a few tidbits about his race at The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5.
      Ich bin Yoda lol


      A venerated sage with vast power and knowledge, you gently guide forces around you while serving as a champion of the light.

      Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not - for my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life greets it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, and binds us. Luminescent beings are we, not this crude matter! You must feel the Force around you, everywhere.

      Yoda is a is a character in the Star Wars universe. More Yoda information is available at the Star Wars Databank.

      um den Test richtig machen zu können sind gute Englischkenntnisse erforderlich ^^.
      Ich bin Wesley Crusher.

      A brilliant learner with a knack for almost everything, you choose to spend your efforts in the pursuit of travels that extend your own potential.

      Maybe I am sick of following rules and regulations!

      Wesley is a character in the Star Trek universe. STARTREK.COM has a character biography.

      <___< Ich kenn den Typen zwar ned, aber auf dem Foto sieht der aus wie ein Loser. T___T
      *yr-prat-marnmehk ecd*
      Stell dich nie zwischen einen Wombat und seinem Schokokeks!
      by kati234

      Yeah! I'm back - harder, better, faster, stronger - and crazier! XD